I’m an enthusiast who believes in infinite possibilities, a man of deep faith. My belief isn’t based on assumptions but on extensive research, scientific facts and personal experiences.
For the best part of the last 30 years I have pursued a search for the truth, spirituality and the meaning of life, combining science, religion and philosophy. My path took me through many countries and experiences. I learned that the answers to my questions can only be found within me.
On my travels I studied and sometimes also met many inspiring people. One of them was the inventor of the informed technology, Mr. Poznik. For about three years I studied the processes involved in informing products, followed the results and thought about the best ways to introduce this amazing technology to other people.
In 2011 my partners and I set ourselves a clear goal: “To offer people simple and direct access to better structured, living drinking water.”
Joseph Rain,
Co-founder of i9
Motiviert durch eigene Erfahrungen im Design, der Produktion und dem Vertrieb von hochqualitativen, nachhaltigen und funktionalen Produkten sind wir seit dem ersten Kennenlernen von der Grundidee des revitalisierten Wasser in Form der i9 Wasserflasche begeistert. Nach einer sehr intensiven erfolgreichen Testphase freuen wir uns, dass wir als CH Distributor unseren Beitrag zur weiteren Entwicklung dieser Erfolgsgeschichte beitragen dürfen.
i9 Produkte, die Kombination von Natur und Revitalisierungs-Technologie!
Gabriella Rigoni
Founder of
Werde i9 CH-Wiederverkäufer und nehme Teil am Erfolg der revolutionären i9 Produkte.